Wednesday, June 29, 2005

MINDGAME rocked me like McRorie never could.

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Holtler & I, girlfriends in tow, saw MINDGAME on sunday as part of the New York Asian Film Festival 2005. Not only was the introduction to the film by the festival staff delightfully enthusiastic, the film was awesome too. Giddy like a school girl I was after its 104 minutes of animated delight. We all really enjoyed it, even JoHo, who in spite of his slugish hangover still managed to mumble "was good" in approval. I could go on and on about it, but Ben Ettinger over at ANIPAGES DAILY already did it for me.
In conclusion, wether you have to buy the DVD, catch it at a special screening, or download it on the internet, don't miss MINDGAME.


At 9:08 AM, Blogger Dunkle Swiftkick said...

Bite your toung! for talking about McRorie that way.


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