Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Play flash films... backwards!

I have been looking for a script for a few days that will play your flash films backwards. This means literally making the playhead go backwards in the swf, or quicktime, whatever you export as. I had a project where I needed this and it had to be a very low file size, thus adding new animation wasnt an option. I figured since most of us here use flash, one of you all might find it handy, so here's the code. If you want the fla, email me.

So.. here's what you do: the below script is applied to your first frame or to a button in this case. You would change the (rollout) action to whatever action you rollover,onclick,etc.
the "movie" word is the name of your movie clip to be played backwards, so if you wanted to name it something else, you'd need to make sure that your clip was named the same in the properties menu.

on (rollOut) {
movie.reverse = false;;
on (rollOver) {
tint.reverse = true;
on (rollover) {;

Now for the 2nd part...
All you do now is atatch this to the aforementioned movie clip. then the code knows which movie clip to perform the function to.You can adjust how many frames forward and backwards the movie will play by typing it within the () brackets after "play".

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (reverse) {
on (press) {

Now Mr Mr can play correcto,incorrecto backwards. yay!


At 10:25 AM, Blogger Dunkle Swiftkick said...

Sweet! I don't know why I need this but I'm sure someone will want to know how to do it sooneer than later.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger . said...

ya.. it's one of those stupid things that I never thought I'd need, but for a scene, there was this whole "rewind the tape" scene. I figured there must be a way to do it without having to animate it all in reverse. For web sites with return actions in buttons, or something like that, it works too.Again, not sure if anyone here really needs it, but it took me forever to find out how to make it work, so here it is already made.


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