Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Flashlite stuff

No.. not flashlights... flashlite. Looks like my fellow fafers come here once a year now, so perhaps next year they'll see this post. For the rest of you who come here, well I have something kind of fun I've been working on. Flashlite cellphone applications. Why is this so cool? because flashlite is a version of the desktop version of flash that enables animators, designers, and UI builders to create custom games, movies, applications, and interfaces for cellphones. This means that if you can animate in flash, you can animate for cellphones.
The biggest diffrence of course is that the file sizes are restricted due to the current lineup of phones that play flashlite, which at this writing are very few in the US, but quite common on Asia and Europe. The animation must also be somewhat simplified. No long motion tweens or cross fades. Just simple animation. That said, the latest version, flashlite 2.0 is amazing. You can now load videos, music, xml text, images, and web sites remotely or from a folder structure... just like conventional flash will. Flashlite also works with the hotkeys and numeric keypad on your phone. You will also need to get very familiar with structural loading limitiations in the phone's memory. At this time, phones do not have what is known as an automatic " garbage dump", or what is known in javascript as a method to unload data from device memory. Flashlite will do this automatically, but you should still keep the files smaller and hence not crash the phone, which is easy as hell to do the first couple of times you make something.
So far, I've created a number of prototypes that will play cartoons in small epirodes of about a minute each, fully animated,with sound and somewhat detailed backgrounds. These episodes load into a main menu similiar to what you might see on a DVD UI. I've also made a few apps that have updated remote text, images, and simple chat applications. I'm not a programmer, so as you can see, the technology is very accesible.
What does this mean? well... put it this way: there are going to be literally several BILLION handheld wireless devices in the next decade compared to the several hundred million desktop computers, and equivelant number TV sets. This means that developing entertainment for cellphones,though still in very early stages, has the real potential to become far more reaching than any other media source.
If you haven't jumped into mobile content development yet and know how to use flash, then I'd suggest learning the stuff, and learn it NOW! the demand for this will be enormous in around a year or 2.


At 4:08 PM, Blogger beautiful jules said...

I already got a sneak peak of what Flashlite + Arp can do... Nomadtoons on my cellphone?! Just what my life was missing.


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